Presenting Profutech
The Robotic Smart Kitchen Revolution

Profutech has developed a patent-protected robotic culinary “Smart Kitchen” device, preparing hot, fresh, and nutritious meals, with one automated click. The company is past the POC stage and addresses a market valued at billions.

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We Solve Culinary Problems with Most Efficiency

In a world where many of us still rely on industrial, unhealthy, or fast food, due to lack of time, money or culinary abilities, the Profutech system brings a real change to everyday life. The machine developed by the company incorporates, among other things, the abilities of a freezer, pantry, stove, oven and more, from storing ingredients to the preparation of delicious meals, in a fully automated process, on demand and with no human involvement. The result is improving the wellbeing and health of all users, and especially the lives of people with disabilities, elderly people, children, students, parents and others. The company’s tech can also be used by businesses, wishing to supply healthy meals to their employees or customers.

Meet Our Team

Ariel Weintraub
Founder & CEO
An entrepreneur by nature, with experience in the field of management, leadership and project development. He has owned companies in various fields, including a computer company and several online stores. Practical engineer with extensive knowledge in electronics, computers and control systems. He has previously served in a senior professional position for 3 years in the IDF’s Air Force technical unit, and has also worked in El Al’s technical system team.
Arye Braverman
Materials Engineer
Arye is a specialist in aeronautical design - aircraft design in composite materials and structure analysis, CFD analysis, and aerodynamics. He has performed mechanical design for the optics and electronic packaging industry, heat transfer analysis for the fields of optics and complex electronics systems, strength and vibration analysis and CFD analysis for non-airborne systems. Chairman of the Numerical Calculations Industry in Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautics. Founder and CEO of CadCam. Arye created many developments in the military field such as: laser marker of the chariot tank, development of products to withstand earthquakes and heat transfer analysis in a stable and constant condition in space. He has worked as a senior engineer at Astronautics, Elbit, and Comverse.
Eyal Zalewski
Mechanical Engineer
Eyal is an R&D mechanical designer, with experience in design of precise propulsion systems, optimal design in SPEC costs, sizes, quakes, heat and propulsion, design and development of dozens of related products from the requirements stage to mass production, PCB design, heat analysis, analysis and optimization of systems, identification of fails, design and execution of experiments and optimization in engineering design. Eyal has worked in a number of large engineering companies as a senior development engineer: Orbotech, Optronics, GreenVision Systems, and Malcam.
Tal Ben Menashe
Founder & CMO
Tal is an entrepreneur with experience in the field of management. In recent years he has served as the owner and founder of a number of successful online stores. Tal has a bachelor‘s degree in business administration, entrepreneurship and innovation. He has completed a Bachelor of Business Administration, in Behavioral Economics. Tal also has extensive experience in project management, marketing and sales.
Natalie Peretz
Mechanical Engineer
Natalie is a mechanical engineer with experience in machine development, project execution, development of mechanisms, propulsion systems and original patents, design for plastics, injections, chip processing, 3D printing, materials research for food-approved products and preparation of production portfolios. Natalie has worked as a chief engineer and as head of development team at Synergy R.M., as well as in development companies abroad.
Effi Kashany
Founder, owner and CEO of Newton Software And Mechanical Engineering Ltd., an engineering outsourcing company, dealing with mechanical engineering (design and execution of automation), entrepreneurship and patents. Teaches mechanical engineering at ORT Braude. Has extensive knowledge of industrial robotics and advanced automation. Gained rich experience as a mechanical engineer in the design and manufacturing of engineering facilities which include robotics and automation. Led complex engineering projects for Rafael, Elta, Tadiran Systems, Elbit and more. Serves as a consultant for the Ministry of Economy on raising productivity revenue, innovation in operations and automation. He has a master‘s degree in systems engineering, and a bachelor‘s degree in mechanical engineering.

Why Choose Us?

We show our appreciation by ensuring a flawless experience.

The Need

In the IoT world, of smart gadgets and products connected via cloud to the Internet, equipped with a variety of advanced capabilities and the ability of remote control, the "smart home" niche including the “smart kitchen”, has gained a lot of interest from users in recent years, but is still waiting for a real breakthrough: users today are interested not only in "smart" products, but in combining their capabilities, into one automated system.
Now, Profutech offers users a completely new approach to cooking in the ultra-modern age, with a sort of “culinary robot”, which is probably the closest thing to the “Star Trek” food replicator we’ve seen so far - a true solution for anyone torn between work and home, who doesn’t always have time to cook for themselves and their loved ones, even if they do know how to, and especially for millenials (aka, the Wolt Generation), which are far more likely to use an app, than a cutting board and stove.
Also for parents, children, students, people with disabilities (who make up about 15% of the world's population), senior citizens and others - this innovative leap means more nutritious food, a positive impact on their health, and for children even on their physical development process. In addition, the company's technology can also be used by businesses, who want to provide healthy meals to their employees or customers.

The Solution

Profutech’s smart cooking machine combines the capabilities of a freezer, pantry, stove, oven, steamer and more, from the very storage of all necessary ingredients, to the preparation of delicious meals, in a fully automated manner, on demand and without human touch. Profutech is the first, so far, to have developed such a smart, integrated culinary system, which combines full automation and robotics capabilities for cooking purposes. Among other things, the platform is able to cook up to four dishes at a time, which include a combination of protein and carbs, and can also be used for vegetarian and vegan cooking. The device is the only one of its kind today, that allows for the storage of many ingredients, a selection between dozens of types of meals, remote control via an app, and the scheduling of meals, according to user needs - parents who are at work can, for example, start the machine directly from their smartphone and prepare a hot and nutritious lunch for their kids, whenever needed, even when they’re not physically at home.

The Profutech's capabilities

We ensure that with this tech you get an comfortable enjoyable culinary life.

These are the product's key features

Get In Touch With Us!

Ariel's phone number

+972 52 388 2618

Tal's phone number

+972 52 528 5700


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